
429 Media

At our core, we consists of three individuals with similar and varying styles and tastes. We think that it makes for an interesting combination(and some arguments!) and our mission is to give our customers the best product possible. It would be limiting to say that we specialize in any particular kind of photography or videography(why does the dictionary hate that word?), as we have seemingly captured all types of moments.  We strive to be highly adaptable to any possible scenarios that may come our way and we have been known to bend over backwards when needed(Payment for chiropractor bills may or may not apply). But most importantly, we love having fun and being creative!(Can't you tell by the picture?!)*    Thanks for visiting our site and if you have any questions, comments or concerns, do not hesitate to send us an email! Also, since we have 'media' in our title, expect to see various postings and links to and about other media outlets on our blog. We might talk about anything!


*We also love excessive use of parentheses...